termite treatment cost

How Much Does Termite Treatment Cost?

You may notice the slight brown soil-like path forming in the corner of a door frame. Are you ignoring it because it looks harmless? Do not underestimate the power of termites is what any home development or engineer would recommend you! Many people today have become overwhelmed at the termite treatment cost. It is because…

common sign of termites in house

Common Sign of Termites in Your House

Statistically speaking, your house is by far more likely to get affected and damaged by termites than by fire. In accordance with NPMA or National Pest Management Association, damages caused by termites can result in a loss of more than five billion dollars annually. Moreover, if you are a business owner or a homeowner, you…

termite treatment at home

DIY Termite Treatment At Home

Termites are actually active all throughout the year, so there isn’t any bad time to start your defence preparation against these wood chewing pests. Moreover if left unchecked they can easily devastate your house. It doesn’t take them a lot of time to chew throughout your home structural beams causing extensive damage. In case you…

cara membunuh anai anai

Cara Membunuh Anai-Anai Di Rumah

Bayangkan setelah bekerja keras bertahun lamanya, anda mampu memiliki rumah idaman yang selesa. Rumah itu kemudiannya dilengkapkan dengan perabot kayu serba baru, penghawa dingin dan peralatan elektrik. Setelah beberapa lama, perabot kayu mahal mula berubah warna. Lantai parquet pula bertukar menjadi coklat gelap kekuningan. Serpihan kulit kayu mula bertaburan merata-rata. Apabila diperiksa, anda dapati anai-anai…

racun anai-anai terbaik

Racun Anai-Anai Terbaik Untuk Menghapuskan Anai-Anai

Serangan anai-anai tidak boleh dijangka. Lebih lebih lagi jika rumah anda jenis teres dan di atas tanah. Selagi tidak dihapuskan sepenuhnya, risiko diserang tetap anda. Anai-anai, tidak seperti semut dirumah. Mereka lebih ‘pemalu’ untuk menonjolkan diri atau bersua muka dengan tuan rumah. Anai-anai laksana perisik. Mereka makan kayu dari dalam. Dalam diam mereka bekerja, tahu-tahu…